description of Virtual Woodscape

I have worked extensively for many years with printing from woodblocks. In 2004, I discovered how the year-ring patterns of an ordinary plywood board could practically be used as a map. The lines may serve as exact height information in a virtual landscape based on the time-space map engrained in natural wood.

---> How to 3D

Patterns in wood can trigger images of landscapes. Virtual Woodscape uses technology from the geosciences to produce digital 3d models of those landscapes.


---> I found a board of plywood with fine detail and many knots. ---> story After a lengthy technical process, slowly the landscape emerged. The images looked both natural and alien, like from another planet.

© 2008 Y. Zakarias
Virtual Woodscape originated in observation of the texture, patterns and incisions that can be found in wood materials. The texture of natural growth lines in wood can provide accurate data like a map. Then, the same methods of pattern treatment were applied to the painting Old Pinetrees (1865) of Lars Hertervig. The pictorial space in the painting was reconstructed as a digital 3D model, investigating the constructive geometry used in the painterly work.

These projects have been presented in cinemas and galleries, clubs and private homes.

• Public shows: Trondheim Art Museum, Norway 2005, Kosmorama International Film Festival, Trondheim Norway 2007, Berlinische Galerie (State Museum of Modern Art, Photography, and Architecture), Berlin Germany 2007, Stavanger Kunstforening, Norway, 2008, Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Norway 2008, Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo, Norway 2009.
The projects are parts of the film "Material" that premiered 2013 in Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany.

Mountains 3d

Vector Triangulation

How to 3D

Pine Trees Composition
copyright content and design ©Yngve Zakarias /BONO