Thanks for all the contributions that made this great project real, and thanks to many more contributors as well!
NTNU, Trondheim, professor Knut Ragnar Holm, Division of Geomatics at Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, and professor Torbjørn Hallgren, Department of Computer and Information Science: High resolution digital photography; Ingrid Marie Hjellset Larsen, Master dissertation, Technology in Computer Science;
NTNU, Trondheim, Bjarne Kjøsnes og Marlon Montejo Nielsen, Midgard Media Lab: Digital Cinema testing;
Sigbjørn Wik, Asplan Viak, Stavanger: Digital map processing;
Joakim Pedersen, Animation Department, Høgskulen i Volda: Digital photo processing;
Kino Filmkunst 66, and the audience in Charlottenburg, Berlin: Performance testing;
Trondheim City Council: Mapdata and contribution of funds;
County of Sørtrøndelag: Contribution of funds;
last but not least, Martin Michaelsen, Trondheim: Provision of material.
Sponsor for Virtual Woodscape Movie: Roll Severin AS, Trondheim